Toledo - Automotive Pullers

Harmonic Balancer & Pulley Pullers

  • Manufactured to enable the removal of automotive harmonic balancers, pulleys and gears where access to tapped holes is available
  • Varying styles to suit 2 and 3 hole configurations
  • Comprehensive 14, 18 or 46 piece sets
Part No.Name
304810Harmonic Balancer Remover - Ford
254230Harmonic Balancer Master Puller Set
245400Harmonic Balancer Puller & Installer Set
245370Power Steering & Alternator Pulley Remover
245380Power Steering Pump Pulley Kit
304100Pulley Puller Camshaft
304101Pulley Puller Camshaft
304199Pulley Puller Harmonic Balancer
311015Pulley Puller Ribbed Drive Belt
304013Pulley Remover Water Pump (VAG Group)
301337Powerbar Hand Impact Wrench - 1/2" Sq. Dr.